100 Day Challenge Day 5: A Delicious Fakeaway Thanks to Weight Watchers

Image: Pixabay

This week in meetings, it’s all about recipe swaps. Ditch the takeaways and opt for the fakeaways. While I admit that there are times that a takeaway is so much easier and more convenient, I prefer the fakeaways. The last few days has been all about fakeaways for our household and it’s all thanks to Weight Watchers.

I got my days messed up yesterday on the 100 Day Challenge. Today is actually the update for day 5 on the challenge. Sorry!

So, I finished yesterday on 26 pro points. That’s my full allowance eaten. It was a hungry day for me, but I made the good choices for snacks. I had a lot of fruit and when I was fed up of that, I had carrot sticks and one small Weight Watchers bar. I was proud of myself. Before tracking religiously, I know I would have had more chocolate than fruit, so this tracking thing really does work—it’s not just a fad!

For dinner, we had pork fajitas, all freshly made. The only thing we used instead of making our own was the Weight Watchers fajita stir-in sauce. I absolutely love it, I really do! I’m raving about the stir-in sauces right now because they are so easy and so delicious. The fajitas easily beat the ones that you can buy from the store.

The day before, I mentioned yesterday that we had duck stir fry with the Weight Watchers Chinese stir-in sauce. So, that’s another fakeaway that tasted so much better than the ones that you get from the takeaways. There wasn’t as much fat, so there wasn’t as much guilt afterwards. In fact, I didn’t feel guilty at all.

I’m not sure what I’m going to have tonight. Right now, I’m planning lunch now that my Tuesday morning class is finished and I’ve used up 2 pro points on breakfast for a yogurt with some fruit. Roll on Saturday to see all this pay off!

Are you taking part in the 100 Day Challenge? Maybe it’s not for weight loss but for something else. Feel free to share how you’re doing in the comments below.



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