100 Day Challenge: Who’s With Me?

Weight Watchers members and leaders all have the same issues. We want to lose weight, but sometimes life and stress get in the way. It can be difficult to stay on track, and sometimes the motivation just isn’t there to even try.

I’ve been like that in the past and this week has been an issue for me with tracking for various reasons. It doesn’t help that I’ve been full of cold—kicking it and then getting it back two weeks later! Motivation is at a minimum when I’m ill.

But I’m going to do the 100 day challenge to help boost my weight loss. In 100 days, I have a summer ball to attend, so that is my motivation. I want to be able to fit perfectly into a new dress (not bought it yet) and I want to feel great.

So, over the next 100 days, my challenge is to stick to tracking EVERY SINGLE DAY and stick to my exercise plan. There are going to be days when things don’t work out. Yesterday I made the decision not to go to the gym while I kicked the cold that I have. There’s just no point running my body into the ground.

The 100 day challenge can be done for all sorts of reasons and needs. You may have a challenge to lose a couple of dress sizes or trim your waist in the gym. Whatever it is, why not join me on this 100 day challenge? I’m going to update daily (except Sundays as I’m never online then! I’ll do a bigger update on a Monday to cover the weekends) and let you know how I’ve done each day of the challenge.

So, will you join me in the 100 day challenge? Let’s fight the fat and get our summer bodies.

Image created by Alexandria Ingham


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