100 Day Challenge Day 13: Tracking Is Important to Know I Eat Enough
I know I missed the blog post yesterday for the 100 Day
Challenge. I did complete it, but Wednesdays has become a bit of an issue for
blogging. It may mean a double update on a Thursday for a while (as long as I
have time for that).

Before I get onto Wednesday, here’s the 100 Day Challenge
update for Tuesday. I finished the day on 22 pro points.
One of the facts that Weight Watchers gives us is that we
can eat up to 30-50% more by not tracking out food. I went through Tuesday
taking photos and making quick notes of the food I ate, but didn’t track the
points until first thing Wednesday morning. It’s a bad way of doing it, and I
found that I ended up not eating enough. So it looks like it works both ways if
you don’t track as you go.
Not eating enough is just as bad as eating too much. It
leads to the metabolism slowing down, and I know that is the case for me.
Hopefully, it will not prove to be a problem for me on Saturday. One day
shouldn’t hurt but I have to be careful for the rest of the week and going
My problem is that if I worry about going over, I cut my
portion sizes down. I make sure I don’t go over and sometimes it leads to not
eating enough through the day. I snack on fruit because its zero pro points,
instead. Yes, that’s healthy but I need to make sure my body gets the calories
it needs and that’s what eating all my daily pro points does.
I’m not going to dwell on the issue, though. I’m going to
move forward and focus on eating my daily pro points today and tomorrow.
Today is a packed day of work again. I only have two classes
rather than three today, but it’s still quite full. I’m looking forward to
them, though. The request for me to cover classes has been extended into next
week now, so I’ll have another week of it. But today is all planned snack and
lunch wise. I will lose weight this week.
I’ll update yesterday’s tracking on the 100 Day Challenge a
little later today between classes/after my evening one. It was a good day
though, even with the BBQ.
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