100 Day Challenge Day 2: Not Eaten All My Pro Points and Weigh In

Image: Pixabay

So, you know how I tell you that you should have all 26 pro points because that is what your body needs? Well it really is true, but in my second day on the 100 Day Challenge, I have to confess that I didn’t. I understand where you come from when you say you can’t either.

Throughout the day, I had a lot of fruit. I was hungry but thought my dinner was going to be high, so I wanted zero pro pointed snacks to keep myself going. I mentioned yesterday that I was going to be having liver for dinner, and that is usually a high pro pointed dinner for me.

In the end, we tried the new Weight Watchers casserole stir in sauce and just made a lamb liver casserole. My husband decided he just wanted that for dinner, because we weren’t really sure how it was going to taste, so didn’t want to waste any potatoes. It was absolutely delicious and my husband had seconds. I just had the one serving and it was only five pro points for the whole thing, because liver actually isn’t that high (it’s the flour that we usually cover ours in that adds the points, along with the potatoes).

I tracked last night and had 11 pro points still left over. I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t eat them. I wasn’t hungry, even for chocolate.

Well, today is a new week, and I’m going to enjoy some of my 49 pro points on something...not sure what yet. It did mean weigh in this morning.

Despite the 100 Day Challenge, I didn’t start tracking properly again until Thursday. So, I had Saturday-Wednesday that I wasn’t too sure about.

I gained 1lb this week.

I’m happy with that. It could have been so much worse! But I’m looking for that pound and hopefully more off next week.

How is your 100 Day Challenge going? Are you still tracking?


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