100 Day Challenge Day 16: Life Loves to Throw Curveballs and Difficult Situations
Friday started off as a great day on the 100 Day Challenge.
It was all planned out and was going as expected.
Then my husband got home!

I’m not really sure which one was worse.
Both of them meant that I blew my dailies, weeklies and
activity pro points allowances. Completely blew them and ended up in minus
But I still stepped onto the scales this morning. I was
happy to find that I’d lost half a pound. I’ll definitely take that after last
week. I’m guessing the good from the week before caught up to me and helped to
balance it out.
This week I promise to be good. Very good.
It’s a new start for my weekly pro points and I will be
getting to the gym tomorrow. That’s a top priority for me this week.
After I weighed myself, I had a Weight Watchers class to
cover. It was different to normal, but turned out to be a really good and very
busy class. Next week should be my last week of cover. I’m saying this every
week at the moment, but it should be. While I love my job, I
will be looking forward to getting back into my old routine. It will mean very
little work to do on a Saturday.
How was your Friday on the 100 Day Challenge? I hope it was
better than mine! One thing I can say is that at least I tracked and I know the
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