100 Day Challenge Days 24 and 25: A Weekend of More Baking and Lack of Internet

This weekend has been busy for me. Sometimes I have no idea where the time goes, and Sunday was definitely like that! I spent the whole day pretty much out of the house. When I was in, I was busy doing something!

But that didn’t stop me from tracking my food! Not at all.

After the 1lb weight loss on Saturday morning, I was more motivated to stay on track and make sure I continue with the 100 Day Challenge. And I did just that over the weekend.

I’ve finished the weekend with 34 weekly pro points left. I’m happy with that as it is plenty for the next five days. And I fully plan on using them sparingly over the week. Today is when a few more will be eaten with the plan for dinner, but I know I can be good the rest of the week.

My cover classes have finished this week, since I can’t do Thursday. With it being election day and as I’ve put off so many meetings lately, my Thursday quickly became packed with things to do. And I can’t put some of them off any longer. It’s a shame—and I do feel bad about not being able to help—but there’s nothing that I can do.

Sunday I did decide to do some baking. Unlike last week, I picked some healthier, low pro-pointed options. The first is a bite, a little like a flap jack. They’re separate bites, mainly for quick lunches and are full of museli and dried fruit. They’re 4 pro points each because I only made 12 instead of 16 like the Weight Watchers recipe said I should make.

The second thing I made was some museli and mango muffins. They are 3 pro points each because I made 18 instead of the 12 that the recipe suggested. With them rising, I made the decision that there was just too much mixture for only 12. I’m glad I made the extra. They’re good sizes for treats and even for a quick breakfast.

They’re both so good that my daughter ate hers up when she was given them last night and this morning. She can be picky with muffins for some reason, so the fact that she ate it all is great.

How was your weekend on the 100 Day Challenge? Have you started it yet? Maybe you’ve only just heard of it. It’s something that Weight Watchers members are doing as a way to help kick start their weight loss. I chose to make my challenge to track religiously for 100 days and so far so good. I’m a quarter of the way through!

Image by Lexi Gunn


  1. Good job on your efforts! I'm still trying to make the transition into gluten-free eating and haven't quite mastered it yet.

    1. I wouldn't do very well with gluten-free diets. I like my pasta far too much! And sausages! I read something recently that gluten-free diets aren't that beneficial unless you have a gluten intolerance. Will have to find it again and share my thoughts on it.


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