100 Day Challenge Days 31 and 32: A Weekend of Good Choices

This weekend was full of good choices on the 100 Day Challenge. It was also full of a lot of sleeping, as my body just felt so exhausted and drained.

In the end, I have gone into my weekly pro points allowance, and mainly because we chose to have a delicious roast dinner last night. I’m left with 36 weekly pro points for the rest of the week, and that’s definitely enough to see me through.

I did end up having a two hour nap on the couch yesterday afternoon, instead of going to the gym. It wasn’t out of choice; I fell asleep while watching a movie with the family. My body obviously needed it, so I’m not completely complaining about it. I’ll get back to a normal routine this week (well, semi normal as I’m covering Weight Watchers classes again).

The weekend could have been a lot worse after staying the same on Saturday. But with expecting it, I guess I wasn’t so upset by it. It meant that making good choices with food was much easier.

This week, I’m talking all about snacks and those periods when we get the munchies. I’ll share more about it later this week!

How is your 100 Day Challenge going? Have you started it yet? If not, it’s not too late to join in right now!


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