100 Day Challenge Day 23: Success at the Scales After a Good Week

Last night was a good night on the 100 Day Challenge. I had a few extra pro points than my dailies allowed, but didn’t go over my weekly allowance. I finished the day on 30 pro points, so still had 15 weekly pro points left. I like to have some left over just in case I mistracked something—there are a few items I’m not certain about due to eating out etc.

The continuous tracking and good food choices paid off this week. The scales told me that I lost a pound. It doesn’t sound like much to some people. I guess we’re so focused on losing weight quickly that we don’t always stop to see that a loss is a loss. It’s better than staying the same, and it’s definitely better than a gain!

That pound is the equivalent of two packs of lard. Now does it sound like a little bit?

Not at all!

I’m really happy with the pound lost. Now I just need to keep it up. This 100 Day Challenge is definitely going to help me with that, because I have people I’m accountable to. All my Weight Watchers members following my journey need to see that I do follow it and I do listen to my own advice.

Yes, I really do ladies and gentlemen!

The week definitely hasn’t been easy. Most weeks aren’t. Life likes to throw up obstacles in our paths, and we have to make choices to navigate around those obstacles. Sometimes weight loss will be put on the back burner and that’s what happened to me just before Christmas. Other times, we can’t let ourselves fall off the wagon.

Weight loss is a priority for me. That’s why now is the time for me to do the 100 Day Challenge. It’s why I’ve gotten so serious about upping my activity levels.

The pound off is great. I know it’s healthy and sustainable. Now I just hope that I keep the momentum and lose next week.

I’ve been fluctuating between the same two pound the last few weeks. Right now I’m at the bottom of that two pound and I want to see myself get on the right side of it next week. The only thing I can do to make that happen is stay on track and keep doing what I am doing.

How has your week been? Are you taking part in the 100 Day Challenge and found yourself struggling? Maybe you want to share how great you’ve been. Feel free to get in touch in the comment section and we can support each other.


  1. Congratulations on your loss of a pound - that's fantastic! Keep up the great work!

  2. I admire you for taking up the challenge to loose weight. I keep thinking about it but have no will power to do anything about it.

    1. We do have to be in the right personal space to lose weight. I've tried it in the past and lost track. IN 2012, I was finally in the right head space and in just over a year was 3.5 stone down. I've put a little on since then but am back in the head space to get back down to it and lose a little more.

  3. Congrats on the lost weight! I have not heard of the 100 Day Challenge (except here), but I should join it. I'm really "sick and tired" of being "sick and tired and overweight."

    1. Thank you! It's a challenge I recently heard about within the Weight Watchers groups I'm a member of, and it inspired me to do something myself. Really, it's just a personal challenge for something that we're struggling with. I decided mine would be to track everything for 100 days. It's not been easy, but it's really helped me become more motivated to lose the last bit of weight I need to get back to my goal weight.3.5lbs to go, but I have a goal of another 8lbs to get to a nice round 4st weight loss since 2012.


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