100 Day Challenge Day 29: Slightly Over While Watching Election Night
Yesterday was Election Day in the UK. As usual, I stayed up
for the exit polls and wanted to see a bit of the Alternate Election Coverage
on Channel 4. I love The Last Leg! It wasn’t easy trying to stick within my
points on the 100 Day Challenge last night, I’ll be honest.

In the end, I went over by two. So it wasn’t as bad as it
could have been, but I should have thought ahead for it.
This morning I’ve barely had a chance to eat. I’ve been
covering the election for a writing site, and there’s been a lot to talk about.
The good news is that being up since 6am means that I’ve already drank two
bottles of water and a cup of tea. I’m half way into my 2ltrs. Oh and I drank
all 2 yesterday.
Today’s plan is to get some more activity in. I didn’t have
time with my workload and meetings yesterday since I slept in. With getting up
earlier today, I’ve been able to get things done and will have some time this
afternoon to get out for a swim. In fact, I’m planning to as soon as I’ve
written this blog post.
I got some comments yesterday about what this 100 Day
Challenge is all about. I’m going to link to the first post that I wrote for those
just joining now. It explains everything I plan to do over the next 61 days. I
still can’t believe I’m almost a third of the way through it.
How are you doing on your 100 Day Challenge? Again, feel
free to share in the comments below. Could you start a 100 Day Challenge today?
Whether it’s for weight loss or not, I encourage you to do something just to
push yourself a little.
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