100 Day Challenge Day 34: Into the Weekly Pro Points Again

I didn’t forget about tracking on Tuesday. I really did complete the 100 Day Challenge, but I didn’t have time to get online yesterday to write the blog post. I’m going to update with day 35 (yesterday’s) later today, but for now I’ll share how I did on Tuesday.

I went a little over my daily pro points, as I expected to do. The day wasn’t too bad to start with, but I was hungry for some reason. Instead of depriving myself, I allowed myself to go into my weekly allowance; after all, that’s what it’s there for and I had over 30 pro points left.

I didn’t go into the allowance by too much. I enjoyed an extra six pro points for the day, so I now have exactly 30 pro points left (well, I did by Wednesday. You know what my Wednesdays are like by now).

I’m not going to eat myself up about the decision. We enjoyed a delicious Chinese style chicken curry that was made from home. My husband wanted pizza but then remembered the curry sauce we had in the cupboard. We’re trying to avoid takeaways until the end of the month, and this was certainly worth it; and lower in pro points!

I didn’t do that much activity on Tuesday. It was just my walking around for my class. My Tuesday class is closed next week due to us not going to have power, that will mean I get a full day Tuesday to do what I want and I know I’ll be spending some of that time in the gym.

I’ll update my 100 Day Challenge later today with day 35, but for now I have 30 weekly pro points left and a lot of work to do today!


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