
Showing posts from April, 2015

100 Day Challenge Day 21: Not the Healthiest Dinner Going but Definitely Enjoyed

Don’t you find that there are some nights that you just can’t be bothered? I’ve found a lot of that since doing the 100 Day Challenge, or maybe I’m just being made more aware of my decisions. Wednesday nights are always hectic for us. Yesterday was more hectic than normal. We had a trip to the health centre with our daughter for some routine 30 month old tests. They took a lot longer than expected so by 4pm we were on our way back home trying to sort out the boxes I would need to take with me to work. Then all in the car by 5:30pm to get to work. I didn’t even realize until getting there that I’d hardly eaten all day. We did go out for lunch, but I made a very healthy choice of soup. Usually I would go for a jacket potato and salad but it was so cold out that I wanted the soup to warm me up! We also shared a dessert between me and my husband to have a treat but be good with it. After class, everything went out of the window. My husband is coming down with something (...

100 Day Challenge Day 20: Back to My Daily Pro Point Allowance

Yesterday wasn’t a normal day for me on the 100 Day Challenge. It seems like none of them have recently, but yesterday was very different. My husband didn’t get home until after 11pm because he was seeing a friend from a former workplace. That meant I had to fend for myself when it came to dinner. It wasn’t that hard, really, and it meant I could make good choices for my pro points allowance. Usually if I know my husband is going to be out, I’d order a takeaway but I ended up making cheese on toast. That’s enough for me and I really enjoyed it. Warburton Thins are my favorite right now and are great for low pro pointed bread choices. The only issue I have is my daughter loves them too and goes through them like crazy! The decision did lead to me sticking to all my daily pro points allowance. I love when I have such a good day like that.  I didn’t get any activity points. I wanted to walk to my daughter’s nursery but the snow has come back! Yes it’s almost May and t...

100 Day Challenge Day 19: Getting Rid of the Chocolate Dessert

That chocolate dessert that I included in yesterday’s 100 Day Challenge post was calling out to me. And I’m really sorry that I forgot to take a photo of it before it was finished off... No, it wasn’t finished off by me. My husband got home and wanted some, but felt guilty that I wasn’t going to eat it. In the end, I told him that it needed to go so he looked at me with big eyes asking to finish it off. There was almost half a dessert left and he ate the whole lot!  But it’s gone!   It won’t call out to me now. The next time I make that, I’ll do it when there are more people in so they can finish it off for me. In the end, I went a little over my daily pro points allowance. I had to have two of my weekly pro points allowance because of the decision to have the roast dinner we were supposed to have Sunday (the pork didn’t defrost in time). It was worth it, though, and I’m happy that I’ve got 31 weekly pro points left for the rest of the week. This week,...

100 Day Challenge Days 17 and 18: A Trial at a High-Pro Pointed Dessert

This weekend I didn’t something on the 100 Day Challenge that I’ve been trying to do for a while. I made a dessert. I knew that it would be very high in pro-points, which is why I decided the weekend would be the best time to do it. In the end, the dessert is 16 pro points per slice! Wow! But for me it has been totally worth it. The weekend as a whole has been good tracking wise, but I can’t say the same activity wise. I said in my last 100 Day Challenge update that I was going to go to the gym yesterday. That didn’t happen. I woke up in pain every time I breathed. Something in my back had gone and I could barely walk let alone do anything else. It’s eased off today, but I was really disappointed when I realized that I was going to spend most of yesterday in bed. It was a good job I’d bought everything I needed for the dessert already, otherwise I wouldn’t have been making it. My dessert was a strawberry, chocolate and Oreo dessert. I’ll share the recipe below and will tak...

100 Day Challenge Day 16: Life Loves to Throw Curveballs and Difficult Situations

Friday started off as a great day on the 100 Day Challenge. It was all planned out and was going as expected. Then my husband got home! It’s not that he’s a saboteur when it comes to weight loss. In fact, he’s been one of my biggest supporters but there are times that he doesn’t think before he gets something. Last night it was a packet of crisps (a big one) and a portion of chip shop chips. I’m not really sure which one was worse. Both of them meant that I blew my dailies, weeklies and activity pro points allowances. Completely blew them and ended up in minus figures. But I still stepped onto the scales this morning. I was happy to find that I’d lost half a pound. I’ll definitely take that after last week. I’m guessing the good from the week before caught up to me and helped to balance it out. This week I promise to be good. Very good. It’s a new start for my weekly pro points and I will be getting to the gym tomorrow. That’s a top priority for me this...