Paleo Diet Downsides: The Reasons I’m Can’t Follow the Diet Full-Time
I mentioned
yesterday that I wouldn’t be following the paleo diet in full. While I went
over some of my reasons, I have to admit that the paleo diet downsides and
risks are part of the reason why I’ve decided to focus on it but not making it
a full-time lifestyle.
As I do the
research into the diet, I wanted to share with you the downsides that I’ve
found. I’m not saying the diet doesn’t have its benefits but I want you to be
fully informed to help you make a decision for your health.
The Paleolithic People Didn’t Live That Long
There was a
comment yesterday that point out the good point that the people of the Paleolithic
times didn’t live that long. That is certainly the case. Over the centuries,
our lifespan has increased to the point where people now live into their 90s
and even to 100+!
But the diet
wasn’t the only reason for early death. This was a time with little knowledge about
food. They would become prey to larger animals and have to deal with no
knowledge about medicine. There was also the problem of being limited in the
way food could be cooked and the truth behind poisonous fruits!
The diet isn’t
completely to blame, but it may have contributed in some way.
We’ve come a
long way since then and now have methods of cooking and creating food. Our
bodies have adapted over the centuries and we’ve come to accept some of the
food that wasn’t possible in the Paleolithic period.
We are not
the same people our ancestors were.
There Are No Detailed Records of Our Ancestors
Unlike now
where medical problems are documented and researched, this didn’t happen in the
Paleolithic period. There are many people who believe that the legumes, cereal
grains, and other similar types of agricultural foods are the reason for
chronic issues and obesity.
The truth is
that we don’t really know. Sure, we now see these chronic diseases, but were
they definitely not around during the Paleolithic period. There isn’t the
evidence to definitely say no.
I’ve said it
before and I will say it again. I’m a big believer in everything in moderation.
I don’t think in small amounts that cereal grains are the big issue they’re
made out to be. I actually think that some of these problems were noticed in
the past, but it was a time of kill or be killed. You either pushed through
pain and problems or you were left to die. It was as simple as that, but we’ve
moved on from that.
I also
believe that some medication causes issues that we notice on a regular basis.
After all, we just have to look at some of the ingredients and see the side
effects to know that they can cause problems. It’s not just our diets but our
overall lifestyle that causes some of these chronic problems.
That’s not
really a downside of the paleo diet, but it’s a look at why I’m not going to
follow it full-time.
It Cuts Out Dairy
actually found that some dairy can be added to the diet. I suppose this depends
on the strictness of the paleo diet that you follow, but I’ve read a few sites
that say grass-fed dairy is okay, which would include milk and yoghurts.
Why are
there so many paleo diets? Well, it’s because the diet would have depended on
where people lived. People relied on the food that they could get in their
local area. For some it would have been mostly animal meat, but for others it
would have been mostly fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
But if you
were going to follow the paleo diet completely then you would need to cut this
out. This just isn’t something I can do. I’m telling myself that I definitely
can’t have something and that causes me to go off track. I’m not very good at
being told no…
We’re Cutting Out Many Carbohydrates
While the
paleo diet gives us plenty of protein and fiber, it’s missing out one very
important food group: carbs.
Yes, our
body needs some carbs. It just needs the right type of them! This is why so
many health experts will recommend that you get some whole grains in your diet.
These include brown rice and pasta or some potatoes. The carbs are starchy and
complex. They break down in the body slowly, so there isn’t the same insulin
response as with the simple carbs.
But grains
are banned on the paleo diet.
Unless you
suffer from celiac disease or you have found that grains are causing stomach
upsets and chronic diseases, they still need to be added to the diet in a small
amount. Carbs help to give us energy to burn.
Paleolithic people lived in a very different world. Sure the diet has some benefits
and I’m not trying to tell you not to follow it. I just want you to be aware of
both sides, which I’ve researched over the last few days. I like to be as
informed as possible to make sure I’m doing the best for my health.
Thank you for this honest write up. I find that if I am going to "diet" it means moderation in everything and increased exercise.