5 Awesome Weight Loss Blogs to Follow

Lots of people blog about weight loss. Some blogs are worth following more than others, and there are certain men and women that I love to keep track of.

I want to share some of my favorite weight loss blogs to follow in today’s posts. They offer some great tips and recipe ideas.

Ben Does Life

Ben DoesLife isn’t updated regularly—every couple of months or so—but that doesn’t take away from the invaluable information from it. Ben is currently on a walk across America, which doesn’t help with the updating of a blog. He’s been doing a lot of writing and videos for this walk—and there are a lot of tips you can pick up along the way.

Fit This, Girl

Mary is a personal trainer, but doesn’t just offer tips on exercise. She shares her tips on healthy and clean eating. The best thing is that a lot of her tips are based on experience with weight loss and getting fit herself. She’s gone on to be a motivational speaker as well as personal trainer, so Fit This, Girl is certainly a blog to check out.

The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl

When I first saw the title of this blog, The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl, I was pulled in. I spotted this last year, and was instantly hooked on Shauna Reid’s journey. This Australian living in Scotland updates on a regular basis—every two weeks or so—and now shares updates in her general life, as well as tips on weight loss. She’s grown a community with the blog and has written books to help you with your weight loss journey.

Survival Guide by the Working Mom

Okay, so this blog isn’t quite a weight loss blog. It’s a general life one, with lots of tips for the working mom. However, the Survival Guide by the Working Mom does touch a lot on healthy eating, fitness, and weight loss. After all, these are things we all struggle with as working moms—and even stay at home moms don’t finds weight loss and fitness easy! There’s a specific section if you just want to focus on your weight loss, but there’s also one for Disney, which I personally adore.

Runs for Cookies

Katie didn’t actually start her blog until she had lost 125 pounds. That hasn’t stopped her being great for motivation when it comes to exercise. I also just love the name Runs for Cookies (mine would be cake or wine). The best thing about Katie is that she doesn’t lie about how hard work losing weight is.

I hope these blogs are as great for you as they are for me. I still check in now and then to see what they’re up to—and some I’m on the email lists for so I can get updates right to my emails (I get so many that I have to be really picky about the ones that I do join).

Do you have a weight loss blog? Share tips on exercise, healthy living and more? Please feel free to share your blog in the comments because I’d love to check it out. Maybe you could make my next countdown list of weight loss blogs to follow!


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