3 Tips to Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Day

I know you’re a busy person. I’m a busy person. I run a business, look after two children (plus a
husband, who is more of a child than an adult), and have lots of activities that I love to do. Fitting exercise into a busy day just seems impossible, right?

Well, I’m here to tell you that you can fit exercise into your busy day. It doesn’t mean taking hours out to get set up and do it all.

Here are my tips to make it happen to help with your weight loss when you're as busy as a bee.

Split Your Exercise Into Chunks

Stop trying to fit a whole 30-60 minute session in one go. Sure, there are times you’ll be able to do this and you may block a set of time out some days of the week. But on the days that you can’t do this, just split your sessions into smaller chunks.

10 minutes at a time is much easier to manage. You can even try 15 minutes at a time.

Start your day with a boost or finish it off with a small 10 minute workout. You’ll soon wonder how you couldn’t fit exercise into your busy day.

Do a Desk Workout

If you work at a desk, use it to your advantage. There are plenty of desk workouts available. MLF Press has 75 workouts that you can do from your desk.

Don’t worry about trying to explain some of them to your boss. There are ones that you can do from your chair, and could even do them while you’re on the phone to customers! Even try to take a 5 minute break now and then to get your short workouts in.

You’ll soon rack up the minutes and won’t have to worry about fitting exercise into your busy day when you get home.

Get Out With the Kids

One of the problems may busy people have is trying to fit in a workout while still spending time with their kids. Well, the simplest way to do that is to get the kids involved. And you can do something that they love that works for you.

Have a kick-around in the park or play some softball with the family. You can even chase around after younger kids that just want to run! You’ll be surprised at the amount of energy you burn off.

See, there’s no need to struggle to fit exercise into your busy day. With the above tips you’ll be sailing through your 60 minute workouts!


  1. I too find separating the amount of time doing exercise works better for me. 10 minutes at times a couple times through out the day.

  2. There is always something we can do to stay fit. We just need to be creative.

  3. The only time I sit down during the day is when work is finished and I go home! I'm on my feet all day every day and I reckon I get enough exercise that way.


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