30 Day Weight Loss Challenge: The Results

It’s been 30 days in September and I’m at the end of the challenge. I promised that I would update you with how it all went.

Overall, my eating habits have improved. The takeaways that we did have were all planned in advanced and we thought carefully about the type of food we would eat. While out for meals, I’d try to choose something healthier, whether they were salads, tacos rather than pizza, or even cutting out the desserts altogether.

The scales say I haven’t lost any weight since two weeks ago, but I’m not that bothered about the scales right now. I feel better in myself. I’ve walked every day except yesterday because of work commitments. I made sure I either picked my daughter up from school or took her in the morning. Sometimes I even did two trips out to do both drop off and pick up.

I’m going to stick to this way for the time being. My head isn’t in the game to follow a plan right now. I need to focus on what makes me happy and it is freeing to not constantly be on the scales. I’m happy to see that I didn’t gain any weight in the last couple of weeks (since getting the new scales).

But what about the blog? I have seen an increase in page views. I’ve seen them double over the last month and I know that’s with the daily posting. Most of my views have come from Facebook but there is still a good amount of Google traffic too. In fact, my best two performing blog posts are from December and February last year. And that was just from last month. When I look at the all-time figures, the top 3 posts are from last year. Number four on the list is from April 2012 and the fifth is from 2011! All of them are also on the monthly top 20 list.

I’ve got to be honest, I don’t really enjoy blogging here on a daily basis. I’m not sure what it is but I just don’t enjoy the weight loss niche as much as I once did. So I’m going to change the way I do this. I’m going to opt for weekly posts on a Friday. I’ll share a tip or two that I’ve picked up from the week that I know will help you with your weight loss journeys.

But I will post during the week with anything that I want to share on my journey—maybe an issue or a recipe that I have for you. I think this is going to be the best option to keep the blog on track and keep sharing something that will help you. Otherwise, I could end up rambling about my daily challenges with food, exercise, and weight loss. I may not ever have something new to offer and I don’t want that blog to turn into that.

So, I’ll share something next Friday unless I get something that is pressing during the week. The Facebook page will have more daily postings to help keep you motivated and going. If you want the extra support, don’t forget to follow me there!


  1. Its good that you did this challenge and that you are now walking, it is hard but better to be fit with food eating habits and not worry about a number.

    Look forward to next weeks update!


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