How to Get Back in the Zone After Christmas

Christmas has been and gone, but you’re still not back on the weight loss wagon. No matter how many days you say “today is the day,” you find yourself gorging on chocolate, cake, leftover turkey and more. Deep down, you know you need to get back into that weight loss zone. You may have stepped on the scales and be mortified at your gain, or be scared to even see the damage. You can get back in the zone after Christmas. Here are three tips to help you do it today. Get Rid of It All It sounds like a waste of food, but you don’t have to throw it all in the bin. Anything that’s not been opened can be taken to food shelters or food banks. People are always thankful for those who donate, whatever your reasons for donating are. Another option is to give it to your neighbours or friends. What about your friends with children just to get it all out of the house? Anything that has been opened can be put in the bin. Chances are it’s going off around about now, anyway. It’...