Weight Watchers Tips: Snacking Ideas on SmartPoints

There’s been a huge shift recently at Weight Watchers, and now people are understandably looking for tips. People want to know the best snacking ideas on SmartPoints, because chocolate has pretty much doubled in points.

It’s great to hear that people want tips and ideas. It means they’re trying and looking for ways to still enjoy their treats and live a healthy life, while losing weight.

While I could tell you to snack on fruit and veggies, we don’t always want them. We want chocolate, crisps, yoghurts and everything else that could be “bad” for us. It’s not bad, as long as eaten in moderation. Here are some of my snacking ideas on the new Weight Watchers plan.

Danone Shape Yoghurts and Muller Lights

Shape yoghurts have barely changed in points. Most of them sit at 2sp (I’ve worked them out with the calculator), so that’s one great snack that you can have. Many others have gone up in points.

Muller Lights have gone up, but they’re still relatively low. Depending on the flavour, there are some 3sp ones. Others are 4sp. I still think this is reasonable, especially if you focus on healthy meals throughout the day. Remember, your lean meats and fish have decreased in points!

0% Greek yoghurt is still reasonably low, too. Mixed with some choc shot and fruit, you have a great snack or dessert.

Multipack Walkers Crisps

Wotsits, French Fries and other Walkers crisps like this are still low in points. Multipack versions are smaller, which means they are usually lower in SmartPoints than their single pack varieties. We always have multipacks of Wotsits in the house.

If you attend Weight Watchers meetings, the crisps available there are also great options to snack on.
These are definitely snacks worth considering. Sometimes, you don’t want something sweet. Smaller packets are also good because it’s often easier to stop. If you grab a large pack of something like Dorritos, there are high chances that you’ll just end up eating them all!

Crispbread and Salsa

Crispbread is another great option for a snack. There are lots of different brands, though, so you need to check which ones will be better for you SmartPoints wise.

I like some soft cheese on my crispbread, and having prawns or smoked salmon is great, but that’s not always the best for snacking, right? You want something quick and easy?

Well, why not salsa as a dip? This is low in points and you can make a zero pointed one if you do one yourself. There are other dip ideas, like hummus.

Hot Chocolate and Mini Marshmallows

I’ve got to admit that my go-to snack is still a hot chocolate at the end of the night. Choosing the brand of hot chocolate is important. Lighter options are lower in SmartPoints. I switched from Cadbury’s to Weight Watchers and saved 4sp!

Marshmallows with my hot chocolate is a must for me, but the bigger ones aren’t worth the points values. That’s why I now opt for mini marshmallows. I can have 20 of them for 1sp. Most of the time I don’t have the full 20!

It’s all about finding new options. Making changes is a must. After all, if you’re not willing to change, why would you expect your weight to change? There are still ways to snack on the new Weight Watchers plan. Why not be thinner AND healthier in 2016?


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