Which Slimming Plan Works Best?

There are lots of different slimming plans out there. While I’m a Weight Watchers leader, I fully respect all the different healthy eating plans available. I understand why people choose different diets and weight loss methods.

The question that many people have is whether one slimming plan works best. There is a lot of competition between different companies, all saying they are the best.

For me, Weight Watchers has always worked the best. I’ve tried different diets and healthy eating plans and not always found success. With Slimming World, I gained weight. I’ve tried the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet and even the Paleo Diet but found them all far too restrictive and for short-term benefit.

That doesn’t mean everyone will find the same as me.

It all depends what you need

One of the things I’ve learned is that it isn’t a one-diet-fits-all approach. I’ve spoken to plenty of Weight Watchers members who have said that Slimming World just didn’t work for them or they had the same experience as me with the Atkins or Paleo Diets. Similarly, I know people who recommend the Slimming World plan and didn’t find the same success as me on Weight Watchers.

It really all depends on what you need and want from a diet. There is something to suit all preferences.

Weight Watchers works for me because I don’t want a diet that bans anything. I believe in everything in moderation. Slimming World works for some because there is no portion control when it comes to the healthier options.

Before you start any diet, you need to assess what you prefer from one and what you want to achieve from it. Then you can look at reviews and the plan to see if it is going to suit your needs.

It depends on motivation

Another aspect is motivation. No diet plan is going to work for you if you don’t try your hardest at it. When you lose motivation, you start going off track.
Image from Amazon

I know that when it came to the Atkins Diet, I couldn’t stick to it. I didn’t have the motivation to restrict myself. It was the same with the Paleo Diet and many others. With Weight Watchers, I had the motivation, which is possibly why it was the slimming plan that worked best for me.

Before you start any diet plan, set your weight loss goals. Give yourself something to work towards so that you can keep your motivation.

It depends on your body

Finally, I’ll go back to the one-diet-fits-all myth. There isn’t a diet that fits all because everyone is different. Some people can handle all types of foods, while others struggle with wheat, gluten, dairy and other types of ingredients.

Some of the people I’ve known struggle on Slimming World have been those with IBS or a wheat intolerance, because there is a lot of focus on pasta and bread. With Weight Watchers, they’ve been able to enjoy more of a range, without worrying too much about piling their plates with pasta.

Other people have struggled on diets where diary is limited because they need to get a certain amount. Others have had to leave diets where diary is focused on so much because they have an intolerance to it.

It’s about the maintenance options

Not all diet plans will have maintenance options. They help you lose the weight but not keep it off in the long run. The idea is to keep getting money out of you.

This isn’t the case with all, though. I will always now look for a slimming plan that offers a maintenance option. It was because of the Weight Watchers maintenance option that helped me keep the weight off.

People say that Weight Watchers, Slimming World and other similar plans are scams, but they’re really not. The problem is too many people go back to eating as they used to. Sure you may not want to stick to counting points for the rest of your life, but you really don’t have to. There are other ways to maintain your weight, and the leaders in groups can help you find the best one for you.

Always look into maintenance options before you start a plan. Find out if there is one, and what you need to do to be part of the maintenance.

When it comes to which slimming plan works best, it’s all about thinking about you. Everyone is different, so I can’t say that one will work better for you than others. I had to find out through trial and error. I was almost ready to give up until a friend suggested Weight Watchers to me and I’ve had success since.

There are some who will say that no slimming plan works, while others have their favourites. For me, it’s all about Weight Watchers, but that’s because it checks all my boxes. Which one checks all yours?


  1. I put on weight with Weightwatchers. I didn't take to Slimming World. I got on well with Rosemary Conley - I think because there was exercise in it as well as a diet. Sadly her organisation is no more but I still have the exercise videos - just need to get into the habit of using them.

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