4 Tips to Make Sure You Lose Weight This Christmas

Wouldn’t it be great to lose weight this Christmas? It doesn’t have to be a dream. Yes, losing weight over Christmas really is possible. It’s all about planning, preparing and being in the right mindset.

I’ve lost weight every Christmas but one. That year I gained, it was half a pound and was my first year back on Weight Watchers after having my daughter. Needless to say, I was making up for everything I couldn’t have the year before (pates, blue cheeses etc).

So, how can you lose weight this Christmas? Here are my top four tips to make sure you do.

Plan Ahead for the Season

Go into the supermarket with your shopping list. By planning ahead and making a list, you’re not as likely to buy the random items on offer. Just think of what that does to your financial budget!

Start by making a list for everything you’re going to need on Christmas Day. Move onto Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve/Day from there and then think about over the season. We prefer to do two lots of food shopping, so we’ll buy our Christmas stuff in the days running up to Christmas and then focus on New Year afterwards.

Stick to that list when you get to the supermarket. Yes, there will be mince pies on offer and crisps and chocolates calling out to you, but did you put them on the list? No, you didn’t forget about them! You just know you don’t need them.

Be Realistic With the Treats

You are allowed some treats when it comes to Christmas and New Year. I never track what I eat on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and I always allow myself some treats. This year, there will be no pate, blue cheeses and alcohol again, but there will be other options.

The trick is to be realistic. Just think about the amount of food you ate last year for the sake of it. How much of it went in the bin?

There’s nothing wrong with not buying those large boxes of Celebrations chocolates. Last year, we got one of the small boxes instead of the large tubs. There was enough for everyone to enjoy some and we didn’t feel deprived. In fact, we all felt better for not having a large box of chocolates waiting for everyone to eat.

Avoid the mince pies if you know they’re hardly going to be touched. Don’t bother with multiple packs of crisps. The only day that most shops aren’t open is Christmas Day. If you really want some extra treats, you can pick them up on other days. Chances are you won’t bother and you won’t miss them!

Have a Filling & Healthy Dinner

Christmas Day lunch is usually Filling and Healthy. It’s your lean turkey, potatoes and vegetables. You can reduce the amount of oils you use and make sure what you make is good for the Weight Watchers Filling and Healthy plan.

Fill up on these options and listen to your body. You’ll find that you don’t want to snack as much afterwards.

There’s always something left over for the next couple of days, so focus on Filling and Healthy dinners afterwards. Not only will they make you feel fuller, but they are also healthier options for you. Most have fewer carbs and unhealthy fats.

You can also make Filling and Healthy desserts. Try fruit salads instead of the cakes. We always buy yogurts and meringue nests to make a delicious Eton mess style dessert. It adds something sweet without it being over the top.

Get Out for a Walk

How many of you stay indoors all Christmas? Maybe this year you can do something different. Why not get out for a family walk?

Christmas Day may be out of the question, but you can always get out Boxing Day and the other days around it. You don’t even need to go anywhere specific. A local park or woodland trail would be great. Children don’t want to be cooped up in the house all the time.

Pop your pedometer on and get out in the fresh air. You’ll feel better for it and you’ll avoid eating all the food in the house!

If you don’t want to go outside, you could always do a bit of shopping. Spend that money you got in your cards and do more steps that way.

You can lose weight this Christmas. It’s not a dream. Make it a reality this year by following the above tips.

Have you lost weight over Christmas? Feel free to share your tips in the comments below.


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