Should You Start Your Diet Now Or After Christmas?

Is now a good time to start your diet? With three days to go to Christmas day, you may be tempted to start afterwards. After all, now isn’t a good time when you know you have the festivities coming up, is it?

The truth is there never is a good time to start a diet. Doing it now could be perfect for you. Of course, it really depends on you and your mindset.

Here’s three reasons why I’d consider starting a diet now rather than after Christmas.

It Gets You in the Mindset

Having a healthy mindset is only a positive thing, right? I’d consider a healthy diet before Christmas Day just to get started in that mindset. It might help curb some of the unhealthy choices I’d make over the festive period.

This is especially the case with the new Weight Watchers diet. The whole approach is about being healthy—moving more, smiling more and eating better. Why put that off until after the festive season?

Even if you don’t get straight into it, getting some sort of head-start on the reading would be good to get you ready for the day after Christmas Day.

More Likely to Stick to It

Starting a new diet in the New Year is a common occurrence. After years of following the health and diet scene and a year of working with Weight Watchers, I know now that people start diets and within a few weeks bring them to an end.

Why? Because many felt the pressure to get started in the New Year. Many felt that they should do it and not that they wanted to.

When you start before Christmas, you’re more likely doing it for you. Again, even if you don’t get fully into your diet, you have the time to read through materials and get ready for a fresh start as soon as possible. You also have time to set your goals and think about why you’re really doing this.

There’s No Time Like the Present

If you’re umming and ahhing about starting a diet now, there are chances that you do really want to do this. You want to be healthier and you want to be slimmer.

There’s no time like the present to get started. You’re already in a good mindset, and you’re more likely to succeed.

After Christmas, there’s New Year, and then there are birthdays, anniversaries and sporting events. There really isn’t a good time to get started, so why not right now?

I do know people who have started their diet this week. Yes, three days before Christmas and they’ve joined Weight Watchers. Those people are in the best mindset for this time of year and are ready to start their New Year with a bang.

Will you start your diet now? I think it’s the perfect time, and that’s not just because I work with Weight Watchers. I honestly believe that there’s no bad time of the year.


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