Weight Loss: It Takes Time to Lose It

It takes time to lose the weight you gained. Image from Pixabay

I was going to share some lunch ideas this week, but I think I’m going to save those for next week. You see, a topic came up the other day that really made me want to write this blog post.

Someone said to me that the weight loss after pregnancy was too slow. I hear it or read it all the time. People aren’t happy because they’ve not managed to 50, 75 or even 100 pounds in the space of three or four months.

It’s so important to remember that it takes time to lose it. Think about how long it took you to put it on!

One Day Is Not Enough to Lose Weight Healthily

Sure, there are all these diets that promise instant results. They say you can lose 30 pounds in a week or 90 pounds in six weeks. But how sustainable is that in reality?

It’s not! You don’t teach yourself better habits. You lose the weight and then quickly gain it all back, if not more.

Consider the time it took you to gain that weight. It is going to take you around the same amount of time to lose it. That’s not what you want to hear right now, but it’s so important to understand. You want to lose it and keep your health, right? You want to lose it and keep it off, right?

One Meal Is Not the End of It

Because so many people have this idea in mind that they want to lose weight quickly, they beat themselves up because they had a bad day.

Do you make bad meal choices when you go out for dinner? Do you struggle to say no to that piece of chocolate cake?

Remember one meal is not going to stop you from losing weight. It didn’t take one meal to put it all on, did it? You need to draw a line under that one meal and get back on track.

You’re allowed these little “slip ups” now and then. It’s really best to stop thinking about them as slip ups and think about them as living your life. You want something that you can stick to after you lose weight, so you keep it off for the long term.

Hopefully this post has helped you see a different perspective to losing weight. It took you time to gain the weight, so it is going to take time to lose it. Give it that time. You will feel and look better for it afterwards.

Copyright Alexandria Ingham, 2014. All rights reserved.


  1. I'd say it's physically impossible to lose 30lb in a week- that's close to 2 stone. People are silly when they think that starving themselves works.
    Thank you for sharing your realistic tips and pointing out the facts!

    1. If only everyone thought that way! It's over 2 stone (14lbs to the stone), so definitely impossible. Unfortunately, a lot of people looking for miracle pills fall for those that claim this is possible.

  2. (Sorry, I did comment, I don't know what happened.) I enjoyed this. I've been working on losing weight myself. I need to remind myself from time to time that it's a marathon, not a sprint.

    1. Definitely keep reminding yourself of that. It seems annoying at first, but it's much easier to keep the weight off afterwards. Good luck with your weight loss journey.


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