Get 12 Weeks of Weight Watchers for Free
Did you know
that you can get 12 weeks of Weight Watchers for free? I knew about it a few
years ago, but it’s just come to my attention that many people don’t realize
available in the UK at least for those who are over a certain BMI. You will
need to go to your doctor, who will be able to refer you to the slimming plan
and you don’t need to pay anything for the first 12 weeks. After that, you will
need to pay the normal amount, which at the moment is £6.25 per week or £21.45
for the monthly pass and that gives you access to the online community and
tools too.
Take Advantage of Your 12 Weeks of Weight
Watchers for Free
Many people
are umming and ahhing about joining a weight loss class. It’s understandable.
How do you know something like Weight Watchers is really going to work? You
could end up paying just to gain weight! It may not even fit into your
While I know
that it works for me, I know some people who don’t like the plan. It’s a
personal choice, but you don’t know until you try it.
12 weeks of
Weight Watchers is a perfect amount of time to try out the plan and see the
weight drop. Within that time, you could lose 24lbs and more, depending on how
religiously you stick to the plan. Considering a healthy weight loss in between
1-2lbs, you could quite happily drop a stone in weight while doing it for
nothing at all.
But What About When You Pay?
Yes, you
will have to pay after the 12 weeks, but it’s all worth it. When you pay for
the meetings, you get full access to all the support and advice you need.
You can
discuss your eating habits, and how to make the plan part of the rest of your
life. Other members are there to support you and offer tips if you’re
struggling. Your leader has been there before, and knows all the struggles you’re
having with losing weight.
Once the
free 12 weeks of Weight Watchers is up, you will have the choice of paying
weekly or for the whole month. The monthly pass is great because you get the
full access to the online part of the plan, known as eSource. You can search
for the points values of everything online, and track from your computer. You’ll
also get access to the mobile apps, which gives you the ability to easily track
while you’re on the go. It also works out cheaper for you in the long run.
It’s time to
take advantage and lose weight today! There’s no time like the present to get
you on track. You may have holidays coming up and real-life does get in the
way, but it’s better to start now. Go visit your GP and talk about your free 12
weeks of Weight Watchers right now.
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