Four Tips to Lose Weight This Easter—and One I Really Love!

It's time to succeed with your weight loss even over the holidays

Easter is just around the corner. You’ve probably already seen all the chocolate eggs, Lindt bunnies and chocolate treats. It can be such a hard time of year for those wanting to lose weight.

It’s time lose weight this Easter, and you will with these four tips. This first one is my most favorite of all.

Split It Up Into Portions

Start by opening all the chocolate eggs, treats and everything you’re given and split them up into allowed portion sizes. You’ll need a few sandwiches bags for this, and it can be tempting to start with but you’ll love it when you know you have ready to grab portion sizes of treats.

But how do you handle it when it’s all broken up? Put it all in the freezer! Not only is the chocolate out of sight, but it will make it last longer when it comes to eating.

Save Chocolate for Dessert Only

Make a rule that the chocolate you do have is for dessert only. When it comes to snacks, focus on healthy and filling options.

This is a great way of bringing some control to your diet. You’re not saying a definitely “no,” you’re just saying “not right now.” You will have something to look forward to at the end of the night when you’ve had your dinner.

Get your children to follow suit, so they learn the same control. It will set them up well for the future.

Share the Treats With Others

Did you get a big Lindt bunny as a present? Instead of getting annoyed, open it up and share it with the person who bought it for you or with others in your family.

You get to eat some of the treat without completely blowing your diet.  It really is possible to lose weight this Easter. The people close to you also feel extra special because you are sharing something delicious. You’re not missing out by sharing. The relationships you’re nurturing is way worth it!

Do More Exercise—the Fun Way!

Get more exercise into your day. This makes up for the extra calories you will be eating.

That doesn’t mean you have to spend hours in the gym. It’s Easter and the weather is getting warmer. Take a hike with friends or have a run around on the beach with your kids. There are so many fun things that you could be doing.

Easter is supposed to be a fun time, and you can treat yourself. Hopefully the four tips above help you see it is possible to lose weight this Easter. If you need more tips, check out last’s years post offering even more ways to handle this fun season.

Do you have other ways to lose weight this Easter? Feel free to share your tips in the comments below.

Image credit: Patou/


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