First Weigh-in After Christmas

As I said, I wasn't going to be posting any weigh-ins for me over Christmas and New Year. I was away for a week and then there were no Weight Watchers meetings for two weeks. This week was my first week back and my weigh in day has now changed to a Wednesday, due to a meeting change.

Over the three weeks, I've gained weight - but only 1/2lb.

I expected to gain weight and a lot more than I did, so I'm really happy. I only know of one person who lost weight over Christmas and the majority of people gained 5-7lbs. It is true that dieting is so much harder without the support of the weekly meetings - at least, I find it harder. I've often considered looking into other plans, like Jenny Craig and Diet Chef but I wouldn't be able to handle the lack of support that Weight Watchers offers.

What Am I Going to Do?

It's time to get back on track. While I didn't completely lose track over Christmas, I was lax with my tracking. I didn't write down everything I ate and I tried guessing the values of a lot. I know I overate Christmas week, especially when it came to the turkey, my homemade stuffing and the cheese!

Everything is gone now - either thrown out or eaten. There are just a couple of mince pies left, which I'm not too bad with, a mini ice cream and some alcohol. It will be much easier to avoid any temptation.

How did you do with your Christmas weight loss? Did you have a gain that you weren't expecting or were you lucky enough to stay the same?


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