Weekly Weight Loss Week 13

Week 13 of losing weight and I'm almost a stone and a half lighter! I lost 1/2lb today and I'm happy with that.

Got My 10%

By losing that 1/2lb I gained my 10% award from Weight Watchers. Like losing 5% of your starting body weight, losing 10% offers a number of health benefits including the lower risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and heart attack. It's a goal that I have reached before with Weight Watchers but for one reason or another stopped going to meetings (the last time because I was pregnant with my daughter).

But Only 1/2lb?

Many people look at the scales and are disappointed when they only lose 1/2lb. I'm sometimes disappointed but it's important to remember that it is coming off - at least I didn't gain 1/2lb! I did have a bad week this week and blew my propoints allowance by the weekend. Usually I wouldn't make up excuses and just draw a line under it but in my defence, the heating went and we relied on takeaways to survive the weekend to avoid having to move around the freezing cold house. Everything is now back up and running so no excuse this week.

Back to Tracking and a New Weight Loss Goal

I had to set a new goal today since my 10% was the current one. While I'm 1/2lb off losing a stone and a half, I know that I can reach that next week (all going to plan!). I'm making my next goal to reach my 2 stone mark, which is 12 stone 4.5lbs and means I have to lose 7.5lbs to reach it. I'm aiming for this in  five weeks - based on that I can lose up to 2lb a week but there's bound to be a slip up along the way (just being realistic).

How has your weight loss gone this week? Have you struggled with anything along the way?

Good luck and keep tracking!


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