Weight Loss June Challenge: Are You Joining Me?

I realized the other day that I hadn't been posting here at all. Admittedly, weight loss hasn't been a priority of mine for the last two months. I've had so much going on that something has had to give. And that something was my weight loss journey.

But I've recently had to buy new clothes; not because I was falling out of my others or because they needed replacing. I've had to replace them because they're getting too small! I hate that feeling.

It's the summer and I'm 20lbs heavier than I was last summer, when I wanted to lose 40lbs. So now I want to lose 60lbs. And I only have myself to blame.

It's not because of a diet that doesn't work. I know Weight Watchers works, but I have to stick to it.

I actually tried calorie counting rather than doing Weight Watchers. It did start working, especially as I found out that I wasn't quite eating enough. Even sticking within my points, I wasn't quite eating enough calorie wise and I'm sure that has something to do with eating fruit and vegetables more. But I couldn't even stick to that.

You can hear more about my findings here.

Well, now it's time to make a change and do a weight loss June challenge. I'd love for you to join in with me.

Each day I'm going to track with my Weight Watchers journal again. If you don't have one, you can just use a normal notebook. The journal doesn't just track food. I track the amount of exercise I do, how I feel, things that made me smile, and I've added my own section to track the amount of water I drink,

I started this yesterday (I know, it was May) just to get myself on track. No time like the present right? Each week I'll update you with my journey. I'll likely update on a Tuesday as that is the best day for me to sit down and blog.

Why am I tracking with Weight Watchers when I tried calorie counting? Well, I'm also going to track the calories I eat too. I'm also going to track the old ProPoints system. My aim is to see how the three link together to see if there is a part of my diet that needs to change for my health. You don't have to do that as part of this weight loss challenge!

I'm also going to share videos more often. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you get the updates right away. My aim is to do two a week.

Sometimes I might do Facebook Live videos on my Weight Watchers support page. Click like and you'll more likely actually get notified when I go live! Those videos will later be shared on YouTube.

I've actually just done a FB Live video about this challenge. Make sure you check out the page where I share the full details! You don't have to follow the Weight Watchers diet to be on the page or to follow this weight loss June challenge.

Will you join me with this weight loss June challenge? I hope you do! Let's lose the weight together.


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