Get Back on Track After Time Off

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Recently I decided to take a month off Weight Watchers. I had a lot of things happening in my life and my weight had to take a back seat.

Sometimes, personally, I think that’s just necessary. You want to be able to enjoy a holiday or you may just have so much happening that concentrating on your diet is just too hard.
Now that that period is over, it’s time to get right back on the wagon. But after so long off it can be really difficult. Some long breaks can be long enough to get out of all the good habits that you got yourself into.

So how do you do it?

Go Right Back to the Start

I’m pulling all my Weight Watchers books out today and going to get straight back to the start of the plan. It’s all about tracking and measuring and that’s what I’ll do.

I didn’t make it to my meeting last night, so I’m going to weigh myself at home. It will at least give me a guideline of what I’ve gained in my time off. I’ll also take measurements because this time I plan to get back into exercise to help with some toning.

Getting back into it as if you’re starting over again can really help change the mentality. It is like trying something new and you can kick the complacency that occurs when being on a plan for a long period of time.

Set a Date and Stick to It

Saying you’ll do something “tomorrow” just doesn’t work. Tomorrow never comes. It’s so easy to put it off to the next day and the day after that.

It’s best to just set a date. There’s no “best time” to get back on track with your diet. The sooner the better. I chose Wednesday (today) because my weigh in day is a Tuesday night. I can just start a new week afresh. I made it clear which Wednesday I meant when I talked to my husband about getting back on track too.

Avoid thinking about events you have coming up. It is possible to lose weight and enjoy yourself at the same time. If I considered events that were coming up, I wouldn’t get back on track until September because of weekend things we have going on. The only reason events stopped me from tracking was because I was moving home! And that takes up so much time!

Join Support Groups

If you haven’t already, find a weight loss support group that you can join. These can be great because there are so many others following the same plan or have the same goals as you.

If you already have a support group, tell them about your time off and that you’re getting back on track. Have some goals and tell them about these goals. Speaking about them (or typing if you’re doing it all online) makes you more accountable.

Are you ready to get back on track after some time off? Put your effort into it and lose the weight that you want!

Copyright Alexandria Ingham, 2014. All rights reserved.


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