How I’ve Done With Weight Loss This Year

It’s coming up to Christmas and the New Year, so it’s time to look back over the past year. I’ve already given you tips to handle your Christmas weight loss and next week I’ll be here giving tips for your 2014 weight loss.

This year has been a successful one for me. I reached my goal, and I’ve managed to deal big events and control cravings. There have been weeks I’ve gained—and sometimes unexpectedly—but they’ve helped me reassess my weight loss goals and get back on track.

There have definitely been points where I've been down. Part of my wishes that I tracked on paper as well as online. That would have allowed me to write my thoughts and feelings, to know if there was a pattern to them. Unfortunately, I didn't, but it's something I'm going to start doing for 2014. I may even use this blog to share those thoughts and feelings more than once a week.

Exercise has been the biggest problem. It's not that I don't want to do exercise. I've just found finding the time for it very difficult. I can really only do it on an evening when my daughter is in bed or if my husband is home looking after her, especially now that the weather is getting colder and the roads are slippier underfoot.

2014 is a year of maintenance for me. It’s also a year that I will hopefully become a Weight Watchers leader. I’ve put my application in and it will be looked at closer to the end of January. Fingers crossed that I am successful. I’d love to help more people other than using my blog.

How have you done with your weight loss this year? Share your experiences and what you found difficult. The more comments I get, the more I know what you’re struggling with and can help you!


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