Who’s Your Weight Loss Support?

Have support to help your weight loss

Everyone needs support when they’re losing weight. It could be a close friend who’s doing the journey with you or your partner who’s there for the ups and downs.

Whoever it is, make sure you have someone. You simply can’t lose weight and keep it off without that success. Think I’m lying? Here are just some of the ways that having weight loss support has helped me.

Keeping Me on Track

One of the hardest parts of losing weight is staying on track. It can be a long journey and there is a lot of temptation around. You may have someone offering you sweets at work or your friend may want to meet for coffee.

Having someone to support you will give you someone to turn to. I have the number of my Weight Watchers leader and text her if it gets tough. It could be “what’s the best Chinese dish” or it could be about how bad the day has been and I need a kick to get me back on track.

If I didn’t have this support, I wouldn’t be where I am now!

Offering a Shoulder to Cry On

There have been weeks that I’ve gained weight or not done as well as I thought I would have. With the support, I’ve had someone to cry to about it – or help me work out where I went wrong if I wasn’t too sure.

This is really important. If you don’t do well one week, it becomes easy to throw in the towel and go back to eating the way you used to. By having someone to lean on, they can help you get back on track and not completely destroy all the hard work that you have done.

Someone to Celebrate With

Like commiserating, you need to celebrate when you do well. This doesn’t have to be with food! You can go out shopping or take a trip out somewhere that you’ve always wanted to go.

By having the support, you have someone to celebrate with when you do lose weight. This is really important since it means someone knows just how well you are doing. I have my husband who always asks me how I’ve done when I get back from weigh-ins and celebrates, even if I’ve just lost half a pound.

Someone to Keep You Motivated

It’s really easy to lose your motivation. You may have had a bad week. You may struggle with temptation. You may just be so tired that you want to rely on the bad food.

Whatever the reason, having support will help you stay motivated. Someone will be able to remind you why you’re doing it – the body that you want to get to or the one that you’re staying away from. The support will help you find other benefits, even if you have done bad or you’re too tired for something.

Having the support makes it harder to just give in or give up. It helps fuel that motivation, even if it is just to go to the gym.

There are different people you can rely on as your weight loss support. I have my Weight Watchers leader and my husband. A few years ago, I had a friend that I went to the classes with but we’ve both moved on now.

Having support is essential to succeed.

Who supports you when you're on your weight loss journey? If you’re lacking support, you can always send me a message and I’ll be happy to help! Good luck!

Image by Photostock/Freedigitalphotos.net


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