Weekly Weight Loss Week 16

Another week gone and another pound lost.

I'm another pound towards my goal of reaching the 2 stone mark; just have 4.5 pounds left to go.

What Did I Do Differently?

It's a little less than the week before. I always want to make the most of my weeks so I decided to take a look at what I did differently this week to create a lower weight loss than the week before. I noted that I ate less this past week. I didn't eat all my weekly allowance, whereas I ate as much as possible the week before.

It seems to go against the idea, but maybe eating a little more is key to weight loss. I will write more about this in a post but for a little more, maybe you should check out my post on the problems with crash diets.

What Will I Do This Week?

I'm eating more this week. It has been a difficult one since I was at my in-laws for the night and had to rely on the dinner that they were cooking. Usually it is chicken or quiche but I left my weekly points anyway - I'm glad I did because it ended up being pasta bolognese and garlic bread and then sausage and bacon rolls this morning. Back to normal from now on though (although takeaway night tonight).

My Weight Watchers class is changing again. The Wednesday one is being closed so I'm going back to the Tuesday night one. Maybe weighing in the evening will be better. It's difficult to tell but the weight does fluctuate throughout the day (another post to come).

How was your weight loss last week? I'd love to hear from you. Maybe you need somewhere to chat to help with getting back on track or even knowing where to start!


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