Getting Back on Track With Blogging About Weight Loss

I’ve really slacked off blogging about weight loss, haven’t I? All I can do right now is apologize.
For those who don’t know, I recently became a Weight Watchers leader. That’s great! I love the job, but the problem is I’m lacking in time. Last month and this month has been hectic, but I just can’t let this blog die.

I don’t want to let this blog die.

I want to keep offering you tips on weight loss. I want to share my own journey and prove to you that Weight Watchers does work and that you can get to your weight loss goals.

So, from now on I’m going to get back on track with things. Once a week, blogging about weight loss will resume. I’ll share posts on a Thursday, whether they’re recipes, tips, updates about something important...anything to do with weight loss.

I am sorry I went a month without blogging about weight loss, but I am back. And I’m back with a passion!

Catch you next week!


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