The Cambridge Diet Review: Is It Really Healthy?

I heard someone state that they were following the Cambridge Diet, and I had to admit that it was one I’d never heard of. It prompted me to do some research into the diet to find out more about it.

I’ve got to admit that I was shocked when I first read the details. It just didn’t seem like a healthy weight loss plan at all. I decided to do some more research so I could create this Cambridge Diet review just for those looking into it.

Six Plans to Choose From

The program as a whole has six different plans to choose between. On each of the plans dieters switch their normal food for replacement shakes and bars. As a dieter, you will drop your calories to between 440 and 1,500 depending on the amount of weight you would like to lose and the goals you have in mind.

1,500 calories isn’t that bad, and actually depending on your metabolic rate it can help you lose weight slowly and steadily. But the fact that the calories can be dropped to 440 calories really alarming.

To lose a pound a week, you need to drop your calories by 500 a day, on average. That is nowhere near the 440! I can’t see how 440 calories makes it possible for someone to get through their normal day, let alone do exercise to avoid losing muscle mass instead of fat. The plan states that the supplemented options keep the diet plan healthy and nutritious, but it does not explain how it keeps the weight loss healthy. I haven’t found anything to support how it stops the loss of muscle mass or the slowing down of the metabolism because people are not getting enough calories on a daily basis.

While there are six plans, it’s not as simple as choosing one and sticking to it. Each plan is a different step of the diet, and you will work your way up to the 1,500 calorie option. Looking into the plan in more detail, it looks complication and confusing.

Buying the Supplemental Products

One thing that I don’t like about some diets is they end up being extremely expensive for cash-strapped families. The Cambridge Diet is one of them.

Buying all the supplemental products is more expensive than buying regular food from the grocery store. And families will really struggle when different people are on different meal plans. The website says that the meal plans are convenient, but how can that really be when whole families are considered?

I looked into the pricing section on the website and noticed a few inconsistencies with my own experience. Now, yes, I’m basing this on a family of three now that my daughter eats anything we eat, but there is no way that we spend £53.20 per week just on conventional eating. There is also no way that I spent £58.70 per week before I reached Gold at Weight Watchers. Now, this is working it out using the £5.50 weekly membership fee (which has gone up) and I was on the Monthly Pass, which cut my fee to about £4 per week, but I still didn’t spend the £53.20 per week on food! And that is between a family of three! The table on the Cambridge Diet website is focused on just one person!

The table is also conveniently based on the Sole Source program, which is the one that involves just 440 calories a day. It states that a person will spend £44.10 per week, but those on the programs with more calories will end up eating more and, therefore, spending more.

Get a Doctor’s Approval

Because of the drop in calories eaten, it’s important for everyone to get a doctor’s approval before starting. This is essential to make sure this is a healthy weight loss plan for someone. Remember the dangers of cutting your calories down so much.

Now I know I’ve not gone into this diet in too much detail. My Cambridge Diet review just goes over the points that I’ve found most alarming. I’ve tried to find something good to say about it, but looking at it from a healthy weight loss point of view, I really can’t. I’ll be the first one to admit that I’ve tried some crazy diets in the past, but I know I would have stopped if I’d seen this one.

But, I’ve never tried it. It’s really up to you to check out the diet plan in more detail to decide whether it’s one that you could consider. I’d ask you to really think about the health benefits and dangers to it though, and please do talk to your doctor!

Have you tried the diet and want to give your Cambridge Diet review? I’d love to hear from those who have tried it, especially those who have long term success from it. If you haven’t, but have your own opinions of it, please do comment below too!


  1. Diets always say to consult your doctor, but I wonder how many doctors would approve such an idea. I don't believe any fad diet can ever work when people revert to their usual way of eating after it. The only way, in my opinion, to lose weight, is to adopt a healthy, nutritional, balanced eating plan. When you know that what you are putting in your body is healthy, you don't feel guilty. When you drop the guilt, you drop the weight :)

    1. That's a great view, Dynamo Di. I love Weight Watchers because it is based on a healthy eating plan. In fact, the word diet is never used in my classes because of the negative view of that word.

      You're right--I do wonder how many people actually consult their doctors first and whether those doctors would every agree to this.

  2. I've never heard of this diet before. I recently gave up sugar!

    1. Good for you on giving up sugar. It's one thing I'd never be able to give up entirely because of my sweet tooth! I used to give up chocolate every year for Lent but it eventually became such a pattern and something that I could do without a problem that I've stopped it and looked for something more challenging.


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