Losing Weight With Little Time in the Day

See weight loss success on a busy day

Did you know that losing weight is hard?

Of course you did! That’s why you’re looking for tips to help you along the way.

It seems even harder when you have little time on your hands. I know when I’ve got a packed day and a noisy, energetic daughter, I find sticking to the Weight Watchers plan really hard. Plenty of people do.

The trick is to developing ways of dealing with those short periods of downtime in the day. And making good food choices. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Only Have Good Food in the House

When you don’t have much time, you’ll likely snack on biscuits, crisps and other goodies. While they seem great at the time, they’re not going your scales figures any good. Having them in the house is the worst thing you can do. You’ll only end up tempted to eat them.

Get rid of all the bad and only have the good in your kitchen cupboards and fridge.

Even kids don’t need the junk. I grab my daughter fruit and yogurts when she wants snacks, instead of biscuits and crisps. When I grab her a snack, I’ll grab one too.

Prepare in Advance

Prepare as much stuff as you can in advance. This is really important for your dinner.

When you get home from work, you want something quick and easy to make. Really, you just want something you can put in the microwave and will be ready in minutes. It’s why so many people fall back on ready meals and high-calorie pasta pots.

You don’t need to rely on the quick stuff. On a day off or a day you have more time, make all the meals for the coming week. You can have a big batch of soup for your lunches throughout the week, or plan ahead and prepare each dinner. You can wait 30 minutes for things to cook in the oven, right?

Have Simple Things to Hand

I hate looking in my cupboards for something to eat. I like having something simple that I can grab and go with, especially when it comes to my busy work days. But that doesn’t mean I want to gain weight.

It’s really important to have something simply that you can just grab. When I worked in an office, I would have oranges in my desk. They were really easy for me to peel and keep working while everyone else enjoyed biscuits and sweets.

Now, I have a jar of olives so I can pick a few out and munch on them. I’ll have cup of soup packets that are really easy to make when I need a very quick lunch.

Find something that works for you, and you love to eat.

It is possible to handle a diet when you have little time. Losing weight takes time, but it is so worth it and you can feel proud of your hard work.

How do you handle the small breaks in the day to lose weight? Please feel free to share your tips in the comments below.


  1. Great tips. I agree with every one of them. The only time I fall down is when my husband and I do our weekly shop. We leave at about 10.30am. I've got a belly full of porridge and am not hungry. However, when we arrive home, it's past my lunchtime and I'm irritated. I can't find anything to eat quickly so I grab biscuits or something similar. Sigh! Must plan ahead.

    1. Have you thought about specifically buying something from the store that you can have when you get home? I used to find that afterwards was my downfall, and started getting seafood sticks or Weight Watchers cookies (they come in individual packs to prevent me eating the whole lot) to munch on.


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