Weekly Weight Loss Weeks 40 and 41

Sorry I'm not updating this every week. I did try to post the link for last week but Bubblews was down and then I never got around to it.

Over the last two weeks, I've lost 1lb. I didn't lose anything in week 40. I'm annoyed that I've lost so little over the last two weeks but I did work out that I've almost lost, on average, a pound per week since starting. In 41 weeks I've lost 40.5lbs. That I can be happy with.

Here are my stories:



Now I just have to kick my butt into gear. There isn't going to be a weekly weight loss in two weeks time as I'm away. I really want that 1.5lbs to get my three stone on Tuesday!


  1. To get success goal must be predefined. It is very good you already decide you weekly weight loss target.

    Kopi Luwak


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