Weekly Weight Loss Week 28

This week I stayed the same.

I'm disappointed but I can't work out what I did wrong.

I tracked everything I ate, did lots more activity than normal and didn't go over my points. I'm wondering whether it was actually doing the extra activity that has thrown my body off. It may also be the fact that I've hit a plateau. 

One thing that I am happy about though is that I stayed the same. At least I didn't gain weight!

What I'll Do This Week

I can only keep doing what I have been doing lately. It's been working and is just think week that's caused a problem. If it doesn't work next week, then I'll start looking at other options.

I will still do more exercise to try and shift the work, especially since I have 2.5lbs to go to get to my next Silver Seven.

How has everyone else found their weight loss? Good or bad or the same? How do you feel? Don't be shy and leave a comment (even anonymously!)


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