Weekly Weight Loss Week 23

This week I gained a pound - but I'm still at the 2st mark!

I was a little annoyed but there's nothing I can do about the weight gain - I just have to try and get it off this week.

What Happened...

I blame Easter but it was really my fault for not trying very hard to control myself when it came to Easter eggs, chocolate, and Easter Monday lunch with the in-laws. I lost track and just couldn't get back on top of it with just one day to weigh-in.

I decided to go and see how it would go and then work on getting it off.

This Week Isn't Going So Well..

I think I need a kick to get my mind back on the track of losing weight. I've just lost track again and I can't seem to get back on it.

It's not helping that we have a load of Easter eggs still in the house but that's not the reason for gaining weight...It's my mentality.

I'm not lacking in motivation - I know where I want to be and I'm determined to get there - I'm just struggling to stay on track and stop letting personal things get in the way.

I'm going to try and get back on track at the weekend and then see how I do on Tuesday. I'll deal with whatever the scales tell me and then go from there.

Maybe I need a little chat with my leader and really set a proper goal to help focus...

How is your weight loss going? Don't be shy and share your positives or negatives.


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