Weekly Weight Loss 19, 20 and 21

Has it really been three weeks since I've updated this? Sorry!

Week 19 I lost 1lb
Week 20 I lost 1 1/2 lb - as was 1/2 lb off the 2st mark.
Week 21 I gained a pound.

I was doing so well until last week.

What Did I Do?

I admit that I went well over my points allowance last week. It's no excuse but I was at my daughter's christening, where we had a buffet and I ate without really thinking. It was worth that pound though and I was expecting much worse so I'm not too disappointed.

I was more disappointed the week before when I was just 1/2lb away from my 2st target. Every milestone I have, I'm usually 1/2lb away. Never mind; hopefully I'll get it next week.

What Will I Do This Week?

Update this for a start! But other than that, I've been tracking and will continue that for the rest of the week. I know I've been good - good enough for a takeaway treat tonight.

I'm also going to go back to updating this blog once a week with a post. I've created a blogging calendar up to June to make sure that I update something each week. You'll have regular posts to help with losing weight instead of just my weekly weight loss posts - that don't always happen!

How is your weight loss going? Are you worried about Easter? Check out my latest post on dealing with weight loss over Easter. Good luck!


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