Weekly Weight Loss Week 9

This week I lost 1lb. I'm just 1/2lb away from my first stone! I was gutted to see that I only had a half to lose for that stone but it just makes me more determined to have a good weight loss this week.

What Did I Do Differently?

Not much actually. I think I have found something that works for me and I'm going to stick with it for now. My motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" so I am sticking with that. All I can really do is increase the amount of exercise that I do and look at ways to make my life healthier as well as helping myself lose weight - may that should be my next goal!

Baby group has become a regular thing for my daughter and me and we (well I since she is in a buggy) always walk down. This is a good 15 minute walk away and we tend to have a wander around the high street afterwards. I tend to gain 1 activity propoint every Friday now, at least.

What Will I Do Next Week?

It is a case of sticking to something that is working. I have noted a cycle and this week is likely to be a "bad weight loss". Every fourth week, I tend to lose a small amount so I'm going to try really hard to make sure that I do stay on track and do not put weight on - usually water retention. I know the week after that I will lose weight, as long as I stick to the plan, but I really want that 1/2lb to get my stone.

Four Weeks to Christmas

Well, just over three weeks to Christmas Day. At the moment, I'm completely off my plan on getting a stone and a half but I'm going to keep that goal there - you never know, I might have some great weight losses over the next few weeks. However, a big goal that I have is to be able to fit my engagement ring back on to sit with my wedding ring. Last Christmas I had to take it off due to swelling in pregnancy and I haven't been able to get it back on. I've got the majority of my other rings back on so hopefully, I'll be able to get it off the chain around my next this week.

How is your weight loss going? Are you on track for Christmas?


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