June Weight Watchers Challenge Update 3: Oh Dear!
Oh dear! This has been the worst week of the June Weight Watchers challenge. As usually happens, I have completely fallen off the wagon. Well, not quite fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon but I haven't been tracking. My tracker since Saturday is completely empty. However, Friday I did managed to lose 1.5lbs. I'm happy with that, especially since I didn't make it to the gym all week. While I like to hit the gym once a day, I do find it difficult. Right now I'm suffering from a bout of insomnia (it happens now and then and I've learned to just roll with it and let it work out by itself) and my work schedule is jam-packed. I know a lot of people say this, but I don't use work as an excuse. I hate working long hours and as a work at home mom I should be able to control it. But sometimes work piles up and I take on a lot at once. I know my limits and when I am/am not making an excuse. So, what's the plan? Well, right now I am sticking to points. I...