4 Tips to Use Your Weight Loss Blog to Your Advantage

Many people think it’s a great idea to set up a weight loss blog to help their journey. That’s certainly the case, and I do recommend it. But what about once you have set it up? Now how do you use it to help you along your weight loss journey?

Blogs can be whatever you want them to be.

Originally, they were an online diary to follow. You could use your blog in that way, but do you really want to put out a lot of personal information the web? You could write under a penname, but someone you know could find it and work out it’s you.

So what options do you have? Here are 4 tips to use your weight loss blog to your advantage.

Keep Track of Your Recipes

Start by making a list of all your favorite recipes and share them online. Be careful with this because there some copyright issues when you share directly from a book or site.

The best thing to do here is to make some tweaks to recipes. I’ll change up ingredients to suit my taste or I’ll try to make something from scratch just going along with what I think and feel. I’ll share these on my blog now and then.

There are plenty of weight loss bloggers who have created successful blogs by doing this.

Share the Tips You Learn

This was the main reason for my weight loss blog. I wanted to help others lose weight, while I did it. I’d share tips along the way.

It’s still something I do. I help people get over a time off weight loss journeys, and help with getting through plateaus. My blog is here mainly so you don’t have to make the mistakes I made!

Keep Yourself Accountable

Another option is to use it as a sort of diary. You can keep yourself accountable with the plan you’re currently following. By letting others know what you’re doing, you feel more focused on getting to the end.

This can also help you when you fall off the wagon. You have others reading to help support you get back on track. They’ll be able to help you reach your goals.

Share your weight loss goals and reasons. Share weight loss results (it only has to be a brief I lost X lbs or I gained Y lbs). There’s no need for lots of details to keep you accountable.

Share Others’ Success Stories

There are lots of people out there who have had success with their weight loss. These stories are really motivating for others who are losing weight. It’s one of the only reasons I buy the Weight Watchers magazine still (it’s expensive herein Canada).

Why not share other people’s success stories? You can ask your friends if you can share their stories (changing their names if they wish). You can ask people to share their tips with others, or tell people what made them start their weight loss journey.

Rather than making it about you, make it about all the others who are losing weight too. How does this help you? Just think of the motivation boost!

Are you ready to take your weight loss blog to the next level? Are you ready to make it help you lose weight and keep it off? Get started with one today and feel free to share it with me. I’d love to keep supporting you.


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