Tips for Getting More Activity When You Work a Desk Job

I work a desk job like so many other people. Mine is a bit more laid back (since I work from home) but I do a lot of sitting. Trying to get more activity can almost seem impossible. But it’s really not. You can boost your activity levels on a daily basis and get to the point where you’re doing the 75-150 minutes a week (depending on the intensity) recommended by the experts. How can you manage that? Well, I’ll tell you what I do. Park Further Away Whether you’re going for groceries or you drive to work, why not park further away from the building? You’ll need to walk more and that will soon help your steps increase. I do this all the time, especially when I’m on my own. Parking further away means my car is also less likely to be dinged by others, because nobody wants to park too far away! If you can completely get rid of the car, do it! One desk job I had, I would walk to work. It would be a 45 minute walk plus a 30 minute train journey vs. the 60 minute car ...