Why I Love Being a Weight Watchers Leader

I absolutely love being a Weight Watchers leader. While I've reduced the number of classes I do to just one a week (for various reasons), I still adore my job. It is more of a passion than a job, really.

Something I really enjoy is the ability to learn more from my own members. We're all human and we don't know everything. There are little tips that other people pick up along the way, and my members have done that for me. They've come up with some of the craziest ideas at times, but they've worked; for them and others.

I've made a video to share why I love it, and rather than copy it word for word, I might as well share the video here. You can find two other reasons why I love it.

Are you interested in becoming a Weight Watchers leader? Why not talk to your own leader or contact Weight Watchers to find out more. I really encourage it if my reasons appeal to you.


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