How I’ll Continue to Help You Lose Weight

I’m not actively losing weight at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I’m not actively eating healthily. I’m still waiting another three weeks, once I have my six-week postnatal check, to get back on the Weight Watchers diet properly. This is more for health reasons to make sure my body is ready to lose the baby weight.

That being said, healthy eating has meant that I’ve seen my weight drop. Because my husband is weighing each week, I jump on the scales too. So far, I’ve lost 8.5lbs since that sneaky weigh in after having my daughter.

Even though I’m not actively counting my points, I know I can still help you lose weight. Not only am I still a Weight Watchers leader, but I’m also proving that the tools and tips still stick with you over time. Weight Watchers isn’t a diet but a change in lifestyle for the better.

So, how can I still help you right now? This is what I’ll be doing over the next three weeks:

Actively Blogging With Tips

I’ve been a little hit and miss with this blog recently, and that’s not good. I always intended to offer a post a week at least, but did want to offer two or three posts a week.

I did have and do have posts scheduled but before maternity leave, I didn’t have the chance to write enough for a post a week. That means I’ve got to fill in the blanks. There was no chance I was doing that in January!

So, the first part of my support is to get back to actively blogging with weight loss tips. I’ll also share some tips I’ve found looking through and loosely following the new SmartPoints plan. Once I start following that properly, I’ll share my full tips from religiously sticking with it.

Sharing Video Updates

I’m not just going to write about weight loss anymore. I want to get into doing more vlogging (video blogging) and this is something I’ll do for this blog.

There are plenty of things that work better by me doing rather than telling. Videos are great for that and YouTube is really easy to use; I’ve done it in the past for other niches.
I’m not sure when I’ll be able to properly start sharing these video updates. Right now, I’m still trying to find my bearings and get to grips having two children in the house while I work!

Doing More Recipes

Recipes are a big help, right? I know that, really I do.

With changes in routine in our house, I’ve started doing more cooking. Three days a week I’ll be taking a turn in front of the stove, and that means I get to try out some recipes. Even when I don’t, the hubby likes to experiment.

Part of my ways to help you lose weight will be to share more recipes that we do try and create ourselves. I’ve done no flour pancakes, Weight Watchers friendly muffins and quick and easy lunch ideas in the past but never had the chance to share them. This is definitely going to change from this week.

With the recipes, I’ll include the SmartPoints values. While I’ve never made this blog wholly about Weight Watchers, I do follow this plan and I know plenty of readers follow it too. For those still following the old ProPoints plan and even the old Points plan, I’m sorry but I can’t work out the values, but I’ll include the full recipes so you can work them out at home. Those following other diets, you can work out your Syns etc. from the recipes or decide whether it includes ingredients that are on your no-eat list.

I am still here to support you with your weight loss journey. My goal was always to offer support, while giving myself extra support along the way. You can lose weight with me and keep it off for the long term.

Would you like to see something specific from me on this blog? Please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll certainly see what I can do.


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