Think Eating Less Will Help You Lose More Weight? Think Again!
I say it all the time to my Weight Watchers members: you
need to eat to lose weight. It’s so true.
Trust me when I say I’ve tried eating less to lose more
weight. I’ve tried exercising more and not eating extra to see a bigger weight
loss. Both times I’ve failed. Either I’ve hardly lost anything, or I’ve gained

That doesn’t mean you need to overeat. To lose more weight
you still need to create a calorie deficit. We’re all in agreement there! You can
still do that when you eat more.
What Happens When You
Don’t Eat Enough?
I’m sure many of you are doubting my logic here. Eating less
will mean you lose more weight, right? I mean, anorexics don’t have a problem
being overweight.
Well, this is the difference. I’m talking about short term
goals. Anorexia is an eating disorder that I’m not going to get into—I’m not
qualified for that. What I am going to say is that this is long-term damage to
the body.
When it comes to the short-term, if you don’t eat enough
your body starts to panic. It thinks it won’t get enough energy, so starts
storing the calories it does have. Your metabolic rate slows down, and that
means you start gaining. This happens whether you exercise or don’t to lose more
You need to eat the basic number of calories (or pro points
in terms of Weight Watchers) that your body needs.
How Much Do You Need
to Eat?
The NHS recommends 2,000 calories for women and 2,500
calories for men on a daily basis. That’s actually quite high, but does factor
in someone doing 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week.
Based on experience, my body needs no more than 1,800
calories per day just to break even; to stay the same. So I need a little less
than that. WebMD has a great table to give you a rough idea of how manycalories you’ll need.
You only need to eat 500 fewer calories a day than your body
needs to see a weight loss of around 1-2lb per week. That’s not actually that
much, is it? Put it in perspective of food, beans on toast (with two slices of
bread) is around 300 calories!
Surely with that logic, you can eat less and lose more
Well, this is the fun part. I’m really sorry that I can’t
remember or find the source now, but I read somewhere that the body needs 1,200
calories at a bare minimum to lose weight. This sounds about right, since you
can cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day to lose 1-2lb per week. If
you eat anything less than that, the body is going to start panicking.
Why Isn’t Exercise
Surely if you exercise, you’ll lose more weight, right?
Well, again it all comes down to eating enough. You’re burning more calories,
so you run the risk of creating too much of a deficit.
It’s important to eat healthy, nutritious snacks if you’re
going to exercise. Some ideas include nuts, fresh fruit (especially bananas)
and some pasta dishes.
With Weight Watchers, you earn pro points for all the
activity you do. Track it all and work out just how many you’re earning. If you
earn more than around 40 pro points, you will want to consider eating more to
lose more weight.
Food is your friend; it’s all about choosing the right food.
You do need to eat to lose more weight. Starving yourself isn’t just
unrealistic and unhealthy, but is actually halting your weight loss.
Are you struggling to lose more weight? Please leave a comment
in the blog and I’d love to help you out. You can sign in as anonymous or put a
fake name if you’re worried about people seeing your weight loss struggles.
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