Getting Back to the Gym (Well Pool)!

Image: Pixabay It is time for me to stop making excuses about why I can’t join a gym. I’ve been through all of them... I’ve got no time. I’ve got Monkey to think about. We don’t have the money. There isn’t one that offers everything I want close by. Well, none of those are true. There are gyms close by that offer things that I want and now that Monkey is in nursery, I get two days were I have the time to get to the gym child free. On top of that, this gym has a crèche, so I can get two hours on the weekdays that I do have free with her to get into the gym. And this gym allows children in the pool, so I can take her swimming too. So, really, there aren’t any more excuses that I can use. That’s why today I finally got to the gym and signed up. But let me tell you it wasn’t easy. I’m going to be honest and say I’ve done very little exercise in the last three years. I mean real exercise. I’ve been on the Wii Fit and sure I have the Zumba game thingy for...