Working Off the Vacation Weight Gain

Don't let your holiday ruin the rest of your weight loss journey

When you go on vacation, you’re likely to gain weight. It’s not that it’s inevitable, but you just want to have fun and live life.

You should have fun and live life. Do you really want to look back on your trip and wish you ate out at a certain restaurant or opted to try that worldly dish? Maybe you decided against it because of your diet.

Whether your vacation was just a week or a whole month, you don’t want to keep the vacation weight gain on for the rest of your life. It’s time to kick-start your diet again quickly and effectively.

Here are some tips to get you straight back on track.

#1: Draw a Line in the Sand

Stop worrying about how the weight gain has affected your diet. It’s time to accept that it will have likely caused a weight gain, and draw a line in the sand.

It is not an excuse to blow all the hard work you did before the holiday, or to go completely off the rails now. The sooner you draw that line, the sooner you will get back on track.

#2: Get All the Healthy Food in the House

It’s time to get rid of the junk and bring back the healthy stuff. The first night you get back, having a takeaway is likely the easiest option. That’s understandable as you want to relax after travelling (especially if you were driving).

However, the very next day you need to go through all your cupboards and empty them of the bad stuff. Go food shopping and get all the healthy stuff so you can get straight back onto the diet.

#3: Get Into the Exercise

You will have likely forgotten all about exercise while away. Yes, you were walking around but that’s not the same as hitting the gym or going to those Zumba classes.

It’s time to get back into exercise mode so you can work off your vacation weight gain. Get straight back to your classes or get back into the routine of waking up early for your morning run. The sooner you do it, the easier it will be.

Are you ready to work off your vacation weight gain? There is no time like the present.

Did you find this blog post helpful? Please feel free to share it with your family and friends. Help them get the vacation weight gain off!


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