How to Lose Weight While Stressed

When you’re stressed, weight gain is possible. With these feelings, you’re more likely to reach for food and it’s not going to be the good stuff. But you can change that. You can stop yourself from seeing a big weight gain because you’ve had a bad day at work or you’re struggling with life dramas. In fact, you can even lose weight while stressed. Here are four tips to get you started. Do Some Exercise The best thing that you can do is do some exercise. Not only does this stop you from reaching for food, but you actually burn calories. It can even help you deal with the feelings of being stressed, and help you work through your problems. Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin in your brain. These help with feelings of happiness and are natural painkillers. Just getting them flowing around the brain is good enough, but exercise does even more. You get out in the fresh air, get the chance to work problems through and give your muscles the wor...