My Top Weight Loss Blogs That You Should Follow

People all over the world have proven that successful weight loss comes from being accountable. Blogging is just one way of doing that and there are some blogs that I love to read. They share the ups and downs. They offer tips to reads. Most of all, they inspire others to take up the challenge of losing weight and see it through to the end.

These are my favourite weight loss blogs that I recommend following.

The Running Blogger

Between August and November of 2011, Emily knew that she needed to do something. She was inactive, overweight and just simply wasn’t happy with her life. She wasn’t a runner or a blogger but that soon changed with The Running Blogger. She was simply the victim of a hectic life, with three part-time jobs and a social life. Her blog details every journey of her success. There are ups and there are downs. She makes it clear that she is just a regular human being with a life.

Authentically Emmie

Emily (also known as Emmie) documented her whole journey through Authentically Emmie when she decided it was time to lose weight. She shared the good and the bad. She even shared the downright ugly. As of November 2013, she has shed 113 pounds and is still going. Something that I love about this website is that the whole site is easy to navigate around. If you’re checking it out for the first time, there is a link on her homepage to her top posts so you get to know who she is.

It Sux to be Fat

Jennifer started It Sux to be Fat in 2009 when she decided it was time to lose weight. I’ve only really found this one quite recently but that doesn’t mean I like it any less than the ones I’ve followed for a while. She shares her tips to keep motivated and lose weight healthily and even shares her own recipes. There are plenty of reviews too—and they’re honest ones, which is something I love the most. She’s also a fellow Weight Watchers member and even shares her screen shots from her online graph—I wish I thought of that!

One Man’s Trip to the Half

It’s not just women who need to lose weight and I don’t just follow female bloggers. There are men out there who struggle with their weight loss and sometimes it’s great to see how the other half cope. OneMan’s Trip to the Half is owned by Zeusmeatball and he documents his journey and offers tips to others along the way. It’s a blogspot blog, so it can be difficult to navigate through—there’s a lot of posts to get through to the start and there’s no easy way for us to set that up for you.

Learn Fitness

Another male weight loser is Sean and he has the blog LearnFitness. This is more than just shedding the pounds. He wanted to learn how to be a healthier person and now offers advice to others who are starting out where he did. He shares his whole weight loss life, including his playlist for the gym and tools that he’s used along the way. His journey hasn’t been easy—weight loss just isn’t easy—but he shares the highs and lows and admits that it’s all been through trial and error.

So, those are my favourite weight loss bloggers. I hope you get something from them—and hope you get something from mine. It’s so important for weight loss bloggers to be authentic and honest; after all, it’s a way for us to remain accountable for our actions.

Do you have a favourite weight loss blogger? Feel free to share in the comments below. If it’s one that I haven’t covered, please do leave a link. If you have a weight loss blog, share that too. I’d like to check it out!


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