Halloween Treats that Don’t Mean a Weight Gain

Copyright: Alexandria Ingham I’m posting a day earlier than normal. In fact, I’ve just switched my schedule over from my writing blog that is usually updated on a Thursday—that will be updated tomorrow instead if you follow both! I just had to get this post up today—I’ve wanted to do it for a few days but only just had the chance to make these delicious Halloween treats. Last week I posted about handling Halloween without a weight gain , so here are a few ideas. Banana Ghouls and Tangerine Pumpkins I think this is doing the rounds but I love it! They’re so simple. All you need are some tangerine oranges and celery sticks to make the tangerine pumpkins. The celery sticks act as the pumpkin stalks. For the banana ghouls, chop a banana in half and turn so the pointy side is facing up. Add two small chocolate drops for the eyes and then a larger one for the mouth. They’re really quick, simple and healthy! Monster Mouths Copyright: Alexandri...