
Showing posts from June, 2013

Weekly Weight Loss Weeks 34 and 35

Despite being on holiday, I lost a pound over the last two weeks. I have decided to move these posts onto Bubblews and you can read all about my weekly weight loss here: Check it out and let me know how you did over the last two weeks. While I'll write the majority of my post there, I will keep adding a link here once it is up so you can all read and follow.

Diet Is More Than Eating the Right Things! Eat the Right Amount!

Is this the right amount of salmon for you? When trying to lose weight, you need to eat the right amount of food. You can eat too much but you can also eat too little! It takes time to find a balance at first, even when on a healthy eating plan like Weight Watchers, and you need to make changes as you lose weight. So, how do you know what the right amount of food is for you? How much can you really eat when trying to lose weight? Don’t Lower Your Calories Too Much If you’ve come here, you’re looking for ways to lose weight and keep it off. That means a slow and healthy weight loss. If you lose weight too quickly, you’ll find that keeping it off afterwards is going to be difficult. That means you need to decrease the amount of calories you eat but not by too much. The aim is to lose between one and two pounds per week, which is only 500 calories! It’s not that much when you think about it! At the same time, focus on a healthy and balanced diet. On the Weight...

Who’s Your Weight Loss Support?

Have support to help your weight loss Everyone needs support when they’re losing weight. It could be a close friend who’s doing the journey with you or your partner who’s there for the ups and downs. Whoever it is, make sure you have someone. You simply can’t lose weight and keep it off without that success. Think I’m lying? Here are just some of the ways that having weight loss support has helped me. Keeping Me on Track One of the hardest parts of losing weight is staying on track. It can be a long journey and there is a lot of temptation around. You may have someone offering you sweets at work or your friend may want to meet for coffee. Having someone to support you will give you someone to turn to. I have the number of my Weight Watchers leader and text her if it gets tough. It could be “what’s the best Chinese dish” or it could be about how bad the day has been and I need a kick to get me back on track. If I didn’t have this support, I wouldn’t be where...

Weekly Weight Loss Week 33

This week I lost a pound! I actually thought I'd only lost 1/2lb but realised that after jumping on the scales, my iPhone was in my pocket -- yes the iPhone weighs 1/2lb! I simply tracked everything I ate and did more activity this week. Weight Watchers really does work as long as you stick to it. I'm still tracking now and we have a delicious prawn salad this evening. The next week or two are going to be hard. I'm going away tomorrow (there won't be my usually Fitness Friday post) and won't be back until next Friday. Going away is always hard for my weight loss so we will see. How are you doing? Hope you're seeing the results that you want!

Weekly Weight Loss Week 32

This week I... Gained half a pound. I'm disappointed but I'm not completely surprised. I've found it so hard lately to stick to my pro points allowance! I constantly feel hungry and I think that has something to do with the raspberry ketones. I think I would have been alright until we went to the in-laws for the weekend. While I did walk around lots (I earned 5 activity pro points in one day, which is more than normal), I ate too much food. We had a takeaway on the Friday night and then a BBQ on the Saturday and I didn't track properly until afterwards. Never mind. This week I'm back on track. I've already used up my weekly pro point allowance but that's fine. I'll just have to be good from now until Tuesday. It's possible! I'm earning a few activity pro points. The sun is shining and I'm getting out with Kathryn as much as possible. I would like to hit my next half pound milestone by the end of the month. I have 6lbs to go and ...

Creating Quick Ways to Weigh Your Food

Get your portion sizes right to lose weight Portion control is essential when on a diet. Most people gain weight not because of what they eat but the amount of the stuff they eat. Yes, you can put weight on even if you eat healthy! Weighing your food as you cook is important if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Oh, but it’s so time consuming, right? You just want to throw it all in the pan and just be done with it! Well, now there’s a quicker way of weighing out your food and getting the portions write – creating a cheat sheet! I have a cheat sheet up in my cupboard and it’s based on an average potion. I also use items that you can find around the home to help me. Here’s a few that will help you… A Portion of Cheese = a Matchbox 40g of cheese is the equivalent to a normal sized matchbox. That’s not actually that small when you think about it either! Instead of getting the scales out for every time you cut a slice of cheese, pull out a matchbo...